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Blandford St Mary

Church of England Primary School

'Knowing we are loved, we learn and grow to be the best that we can be.'


History at Blandford St Mary CE Primary School                                                    Curriculum Intent Statement


At Blandford St Mary Primary School, our history curriculum aims to provide children with a strong foundation of historical knowledge, understanding, and skills. We prioritise rigorous sequencing to ensure each unit contributes to broader historical learning. Our curriculum is diverse, embracing multiple narratives and voices to enrich historical understanding. We guide students through ambitious inquiries to develop critical thinking and confidence in tackling complex historical questions. Our approach involves breaking down questions into manageable steps and linking learning to relevant contexts for incremental knowledge acquisition.


Curriculum Implementation Statement


Our history teaching method at Blandford St Mary CE Primary School begins in Early Years and progresses through Key Stages 1 and 2. We focus on building a secure chronological understanding of British, local, and world history. Through explicit teaching and carefully selected skills aligned with each unit of knowledge, we ensure a cohesive and progressive learning experience. Continuous mapping of knowledge and skills across year groups contributes to a robust curriculum.


Curriculum Impact Statement 


The impact of our history curriculum is evident in children's academic journey and reflected in their books. Unit overviews serve as roadmaps, guiding children through their learning journey with clear objectives and inquiry questions. Regular opportunities for evaluation and reflection enable children to track their progress effectively. Informal assessments in each lesson inform responsive planning for learning progression. End-of-year judgments by class teachers provide a comprehensive overview of the curriculum's effectiveness in fostering a deep understanding of historical concepts among our children.
