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Blandford St Mary

Church of England Primary School

'Knowing we are loved, we learn and grow to be the best that we can be.'


The expectation for homework in Year 1 is to complete these task weekly:

  • Completing their Letters and Sounds books - given out on a Tuesday and handed back on the following Monday
  • Reading at least 3 times a week which is recorded in their diaries
  • Practising their weekly spellings
  • Practising reading and writing their phase 2-5 tricky words

Letters and Sounds book

Each week the children will be given four sounds that they have been focusing on in school that week. These will be added into their books every Tuesday for the week’s revision. Please encourage your child to go through their book as often as possible to revise all the sounds they have looked at, particularly at the end of the week. These books need to be handed back on the following Monday so new sounds can be added.


Alongside the new sounds, each week new key words will be stuck into the sound book. These will be high frequency words that the children will have been introduced to that week at school. The children will be able to sound out some of the words and other words will be tricky, but we will be working on recognising these words by sight (without sounding out).


Suggested activities:

  • Search for these words in newspapers, books and comics. How many times can you spot the word on a page?
  • Write these words on separate pieces of paper and play a matching pairs game
  • Tricky word bingo
  • Talk about letters you see in the word. Would you expect to see them there?
  • Have a go at putting each word into a sentence



Only once your child is able to read the word confidently should they attempt to write it. Not all children will be able to recognise these words at this stage in their learning but any practise will be beneficial, even if it is just a minute a day!


Please keep this book in your child’s bookbag, so it can be easily updated.
