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Blandford St Mary

Church of England Primary School

'Knowing we are loved, we learn and grow to be the best that we can be.'


Science at Blandford St Mary CE Primary School                                             


Curriculum Intent Statement


At Blandford St Mary Primary School we inspire every child to see themselves as the scientists of the future. Our science curriculum is designed to develop pupils’ knowledge of science aligned with the programmes of study of the National Curriculum whilst also providing them with the opportunity to build on their natural curiosity and sense of awe and wonder in the world around them. As children progress through the school, they build on their skills in working scientifically, as well as their scientific knowledge. They develop their ability to record results appropriately and use the appropriate scientific vocabulary. Children engage in enquiry-based learning, where they apply their skills and knowledge to make connections, answer questions and problem-solve. We strive to equip every child with a strong foundation of scientific knowledge to take them forward into future education and the rest of their lives.    


Curriculum Implementation Statement


At Blandford St Mary we use the Plymouth Science scheme of work. The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers support children to learn and retain the important, useful and core vocabulary and knowledge contained within each unit. The progression of skills for working scientifically are developed throughout each of the year groups and scientific enquiries are an integral part of each unit. We cover six enquiry types: research, pattern seeking, observing, testing, classifying and problem solving. Within the enquiry types we cover the disciplinary skills of prediction, planning, observing, recording, asking questions, interpreting and evaluating. Each lesson has a clear focus. Scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are developed progressively as children move through the year groups.


Curriculum Impact Statement


The impact of our science curriculum at Blandford St Mary helps ensure that the learning environment during lessons is rich with key science vocabulary and is spoken and used by all learners and teachers. We use a variety of strategies to evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that our children have gained in each unit:

• CPD to ensure that teacher pedagogy and assessment is secure and teachers are confident in their own subject knowledge.

• Feedback, marking and pupil voice feedback where children can describe how they use the knowledge and disciplinary skills they have acquired in their science lessons.

• Subject monitoring, including book looks.

• Knowledge assessments, using a range of creative approaches including key questioning skills built into lessons, retrieval practice and formative and summative assessments aimed at targeting next steps in learning.


