Contact Details

Blandford St Mary

Church of England Primary School

'Knowing we are loved, we learn and grow to be the best that we can be.'

Gallery of work and photos

Science - exploring micro- habitats

World Down Syndrome Day - odd socks

Basketball experience session

World Book Day

Sealife Centre, Weymouth trip

Spring 1 - exploring atlases to find Antarctica

Christmas party fun!

Christingle making

Humpty Dumpty moving parts

Year 2 were asked to make a Christmas window display for Blandford St Mary' church. We had great fun making the stable and making stain glass windows with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus as a silhouette.

Examples of some of our learning this term.

Learning how to take good photos in computers.

We were very lucky and had a visit from the Guide Dogs. We loved meeting Esther!

Remembering the animals that helped during the wars.

Sequencing the story Monsoon Afternoon

Using books to find our facts about animals in science.

Using inspiration from our environment to produce natural art.
